Brrrrr!! Cold weather is the worst! Or is it the best? It’s hard to tell when February delivers not just sub-zero degrees, but fantaliciously freezing festivities! “Festivities you say?” Piqued your curiosity, didn’t I? Then stop gluing yourself to your radiator and bask in the glow of this heart-warming video!

Join the Festival of Frost
15 million players in Dungeons?! Let’s party!
Grab a spare party hat and dust off that awfully itchy er, very cozy sweater your mother knitted last winter. Minecraft Dungeons has hit the staggering milestone of 15 million players since the launch of the game, and while 15 million also happens to be the number of my failed Tower attempts, we want to celebrate the former with a grand wintery event together with all you wonderful adventurers!
Starting today and until February 22, players can participate in the Festival of Frost, featuring a smorgasbord of chilly challenges! Avid Tower runners will discover that their favorite tall structure has been outfitted with new frost-themed floors. In addition, seasonal trials from the Chills and Thrills event will make a return, offering players who missed out on last year's event the chance to experience all the fun. And, saving the best for last, to commemorate this occasion, every player who logs into the game after February 8 will receive the “Iceologer Cape” reward as a thank you for being part of our ongoing journey!
To catch up on the latest tweaks and updates included in the Festival of Frost, make sure to head over to our patch notes post. Don’t miss out on the freezing fun and enjoy the festivities!
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