Once upon a time, perhaps millions of years ago, there were huge creatures in Minecraft. Bigger than a house, we can only speculate on their lives, diets, habits or why they disappeared. All that's left of them is their skeletons, strewn across the world, a mixture of coal ore and our Block of the Week - bone.
Bone blocks were added to Minecraft relatively recently - a little over a year ago, in snapshot 16w20a, the first of patch 1.10. If you're the skeleton-slaying type then they can be crafted with nine bonemeal, but it's much more fun to grab a pickaxe and play paleontologist in caves below swampland and desert biomes, where they spawn naturally. Why not unearth a fossil and rebuild it as a centrepiece of your base?
Bone is purely decorative, and so it's probably just as well that bone blocks aren't flammable, but nor are they especially blast resistant - about the same as wood, which is why creepers are banned from museums. Bone blocks make a nice smooth alternative to quartz, diorite, wool and iron blocks, and like wood they have different textures on different sides, so there's a lot of flexibility in getting them to look nice.
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