Who’d win in a fight: a dragon or a phoenix? Or a ninja versus a wizard? Or an angel versus The Dark Lord Sauron? (The dragon, the wizard, and Sauron are the correct answers by the way.)
Although, if you’re looking at this epic fight of good versus evil or slightly evil versus more evil, you may not see it that way. You may think the phoenix wins (you’re wrong), or the angel (still wrong), or you may not even see an angel at all (dude, seriously, how wrong can you get?) But that’s exactly what builder Plutouthere wants you to see: whatever you want.
This epic battle has no story and the characters have no names (you can even give Sauron a new moniker. But, er, don't tell him that was our idea). Instead Plutouthere wants you to see his work, Epic Battle, and draw your own conclusions. He wants you to make your own story, complete with victories and defeats, no matter how factually incorrect they might be.
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