Minecraft is always growing - with new features, new platforms, new ways to play! Our community’s getting bigger, too, with players in every corner of the world! And those players themselves are always inventing new ways to express their creativity - with minigames, with megabuilds, with mods and with each other!
To celebrate the ever-expanding, globe-spanning joy of Minecraft we thought we’d invite some of our favourite build teams to contribute their skills to a single map and ask you to vote on what they make.
Every couple of weeks, we’ve lined up a different team to build a floating island based on a theme decided by YOU, the community, making an amazing community-made archipelago of Minecraft fun. You can check this very website for timelapse vids of the teams building, or, if the teams choose to broadcast their efforts, livestreams of their work in progress.
After the first five teams have done their work, you’ll be able to download the full map containing all their islands!
Watch out for the first vote on our Facebook page on Monday!
We’re launching the campaign today with the first build team’s creation. That team is the amazing Blockception and they made this:
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