Ahhh the swamp. The murky, misty, fetid, sodden, swamp. One of my favourite biomes, honestly – it’s relatively safe, full of useful resources, and really quite beautiful when it comes down to it. But we’re getting ahead of ourselves.
Swamps were added to Minecraft in the Halloween Update in October 2010, which added a new terrain generator that included biomes for the first time. The original lineup of biomes included rainforest, seasonal forest, forest, shrubland, taiga, tundra, savanna, plains, desert, frozen desert, and – our biome of the week – the swamp.
They were revamped again in the Adventure Update, which added fancy oak trees covered in vines, then they got lily pads, then swamp huts, then slimes, then dead bushes, then fossils, then Drowned. Today they’re packed with goodies to find and collect!
You’ll know a swamp when you see one. They’re pretty flat – with green-grey lakes covering much of the area, and clay covering their bottoms. Oak trees dot the landscape, there are mushrooms to gather, and in Bedrock Edition you might even see the occasional huge mushroom.
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