In life, it can be useful to have a charitable interpretation of the people around you and consider other perspectives to understand the world a bit better. Perhaps Endermen who move around blocks in your home base are just trying to improve on your design? Maybe Creepers can’t help that they got a short fuse? #PiglinsDidNothingWrong? In today's Java Realms release, our mapmakers will present you with many scenarios where you might not only challenge your friends, but your preconceptions as well!

New on Realms: Different Perspectives
8 maps for discerning eyes!

Escape places a group of survivors in an oven-like dungeon where they need to perform the titular action before they melt. One player is cast as a “monster” which will be their antagonist in order to shake things up. The “monster” has a few intimidating features other players don’t. Perfect 20/20 vision in the dark while the survivors need a lantern for support. Nifty gadgets like vibration sensors. Not to mention the smell ability that Minecraft players have been clamoring for us to add to the main game forever (citation needed). Arguably, there’s a strong case that jealousy, rather than monster-on-survivor attacks, is the main culprit for the hostilities between the two groups. Maybe the real monster... is game character-based envy!
by TriLinder
Gaps usually get a bad rep. ‘Mind the gap’ is less positive than something like ‘Check out the cool gap’ would be. A gap in your resume, no matter how much fun you had in that period would displease a potential employer. Dentists don’t like gaps in your teeth, even though it would realistically mean less work for them. However, the gap in, uh, The Gap, will be your only solace, friend, and confidant as it will move closer to your enemy’s gold bank upon a kill so you can quicker get to pickaxing their gold. I don’t mind this gap at all!
by Mapmaker's Bootcamp
Here we have a minigame where you’re given a theme and will bring it to blocky life through interpretative construction. Other players will then judge your build through a democratic process complete with point-scoring at the end. Which is how it should be when things are subjective. Don’t let anyone call you a monster due to your heightened sense of smell and/or tendency for player elimination, lest you have been judged by a jury of your peers through Building Game Redux!
by Nostalgia Inc.
by klumpug

by Riten Team

by Leovardo, Slime, & Slap

by gaa, apoc_101 & Geofri

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Happy Minecrafting!
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