It only took one loud alarm, seven snooze reminders, and a stressed editor yelling “TODAY’S THE DAY, GET UP UPDATE!” Jungle Awakens, Minecraft Dungeons’ first DLC pack, is finally up and will be rolling out today on Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4, Windows, and Xbox One!

Jungle Awakens DLC out today
Quick, play it before the jungle goes back to sleep!
This update features everything you could wish for from an awakened jungle; from new missions and game mechanics, to never before seen mobs and items – as well as a… unique challenge.
Remember The Orb of Dominance? If you don’t, no biggie. It was just one of the most powerful and wicked artifacts the Overworld had ever seen, until some brave players managed to sell it to the Wandering Trader destroy it. Turns out that, even in broken form, the Orb of Dominance still has some of that dominance in it. One of its shards has found its way to a lush jungle, corrupting both the land and its inhabitants. Of course, it falls to you to get to the root of the problem, explore dense jungles, crumbling temples, and secluded bamboo forests, to save the day once more!
There’s more!
To celebrate the release of Jungle Awakens, we're also adding some extra content to the Minecraft Dungeons base game – free of charge. This content can be downloaded by updating the game and contains:
A free map: Lower Temple
A new threat level per difficulty: Unlocks higher-powered gear and additional challenges for the end-game content
New gear: Battlestaff and Dual Crossbows, plus two unique versions of each of them
To get the new Jungle Awakens DLC, you can either buy it separately for your platform or upgrade your Standard Edition with a Hero Pass (and by doing so, securing yourself the first two DLC packs). To learn more about these offers and how to get the DLC pack for your platform of choice, visit the Minecraft Dungeons website. If you’d like to chat with fellow dungeoneers about the update, or find amazing groups to play with, join us over at the official Minecraft Dungeons Discord.
See you in the jungle!
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