More than a video game and more than a tool to build epic worlds and works of art, Minecraft can be a vehicle for expression in all its forms. The beautiful, the funny, the creepy, and even the sad and scary. Gabriel Gould, fresh from his build that examined his childhood memories, has created something else from deep within his heart – but something darker and more frightening.
He calls it Fear. And judging from the black skulls and bony arms that look like something more out of Resident Evil rather than Minecraft, it certainly is scary. Though this build isn’t meant to inspire fright in others, but meant to express and confront the fear within himself.
“The idea I had for this project was based on my own fears and my own anxiety,” Gabriel says. “Fear of the unknown, fear of losing creativity, and darker topics like death. Most of all, it’s about the fear that this fear will consume me and become who I am.”
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