When Caves & Cliffs: Part II released, the height of Minecraft’s Overworld expanded to a dizzying 319 blocks. But what exciting adventures lie beyond that beautiful, blue sky? That’s what NASA is on a mission to discover: and now you can join in! In the brand-new Artemis Mission DLC, launching in partnership between Minecraft Education, NASA, and the Challenge Center, you can build a space rocket capable of taking you all the way to the moon!

The Artemis Mission launches in Minecraft
Build your very own space rocket!
Suitable for curious minds, space lovers, children, and families alike, this new DLC brings the excitement of the Artemis Missions to a screen near you, and invites you to become a part of the history that’s happening right now! Stand shoulder to blocky shoulder with some of the greatest minds in NASA as you work to build a space-capable rocket for the Artemis Missions.
The NASA Artemis missions will land the first woman and person of color on the moon, and explore more of the moon’s surface than ever before. They’ll also help us learn how to set up habitable bases on the moon and pave the way for another exciting mission: sending the first astronauts to Mars! I wonder what blocks NASA will need for a habitable lunar base? Deepslate? Cobblestone? Or something even sturdier? I digress…
If you think building a rocket sounds like an impossible task, then fear not! Minecraft players the world over will know the feeling of starting something that feels unachievable: whether it’s building an entire city, or simply keeping creepers away from your sandcastles. In this DLC you’ll get to experience the trials (and triumphs!) of making the impossible possible, as you walk in NASA’s footsteps and build a rocket capable of taking astronauts to the moon!
You’ll be able to give your rocket a unique look, choose its performance statistics, and check that it’s space-ready. You’ll even encounter real-world problems (in mini-game form!) allowing you to tackle some of the same challenges that NASA needed to solve to get their own rocket from idea to lift-off. Did you know that the first successful Artemis Mission rocket came back down to Earth on December 11, 2022, after nearly 26 days of space exploration? I tried to spend 26 in-game days at the highest block I could build in solidarity, but unfortunately, I’d forgotten to pack my bed… Did you know creepers can spawn at a height of 316 blocks? I didn’t either!
Ready to start your moon adventure? Head to Minecraft Marketplace and nab the Artemis: Rocket Build DLC – releasing today in 29 languages!
Continue your mission with Minecraft Education
Want to continue your journey? Those with access to Minecraft Education can use block coding or Python to navigate the Orion space capsule Artemis: Moon Journey.
Head to Minecraft Education to find out more!
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