Building in Minecraft has never been my strong suit, so you might be wondering: then why organize a building competition? First of all, I don’t think it’s fair that so far I've been the only person subjected to what I can only describe as barely functional eyesores. Second, I was hoping that the cool new blocks in the Caves & Cliffs Update: Part I would perhaps elevate my builds to, dare I say... average? However, even that seems unattainable when using the Minecraft community as a baseline. You people are just too talented.
The rules are simple: use a 16x16 chunk as a base, then just let our imaginations run wild – but not too wild. We have rules! Yes, this is a real, serious competition. First off, each participant must use a specific Caves & Cliffs block in their build. It’s not the only block they can use, but it has to stand out in the build. Second, each player must follow a theme from the update. Third, all builds will be created in single-player Creative worlds to minimize the chances of sabotage.
Now let’s meet our participants! First off, we have... Per! You might know him as the Editor of .net, but right now I only see him as an adversary that I must defeat. And let’s see what his theme will be today, using a sophisticated combination of lists and a randomizer website! Drum roll, please... What do you mean by “absolutely not, drum rolls are passé”? Anyway, Per will create a cave-themed build using copper! How exciting! Okay, who’s next?
Per: Umm, I think I’m the only one that signed up.
Cristina: I... okay, this is fine. Good thing I didn’t organize a popularity contest. Get it? Hahaha! Of course these are tears of laughter, why would you even ask me that?
In that case, it only makes sense that I should get the cliffs theme. Let me just randomize the block list... And I got... moss?! Wait, there’s no moss on cliffs, I–
Sofia: Sorry I’m late!!! Have you already started, can I still join?
Cristina: Of course! Just one small problem, we’ve already assigned the themes, and if you take caves or cliffs, then we’ll have an uneven spread. And you know how much I like things to be nice and even.
Sofia and Per in unison: Yes. We all do.
Cristina: In that case, you’ll take &.
Sofia: &?
Cristina: &.
Sofia: I don’t see how I cou–
Cristina: Aaand let’s see what block you get... It’s amethyst! Shoot, why didn’t I rig this?
Sofia: What did you say?
Cristina: Nothing! Let’s proceed.
I watch my competitors' faces tense as they try to come up with ideas. While they futilely try to come up with ideas better than mine, let's check out the location I picked! And Per and Sofia’s too, I guess.
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