Another week passes by, another snapshot enters the launcher. We hope that you've been enjoying exploring the new caves since last week. This week, we're adding Grimstone along with doing some changes and tweaks.
Happy mining!
New Features in 21w07a
- Added Grimstone!
Grimstone can be found in the deepest parts of the underground and is slightly tougher to mine than normal Stone.
- Like Blackstone, Grimstone can be used to craft basic tools, furnaces and brewing stands.
- You can craft the following blocks with this new stone type:
- Grimstone Slab
- Grimstone Stairs
- Grimstone Wall
- Polished Grimstone
- Polished Grimstone Slab
- Polished Grimstone Stairs
- Polished Grimstone Wall
- Grimstone Bricks
- Grimstone Brick Slab
- Grimstone Brick Stairs
- Grimstone Brick Wall
- Grimstone Tiles
- Grimstone Tile Slab
- Grimstone Tile Stairs
- Grimstone Tile Wall
- Chiselled Grimstone
Changes in 21w07a
- Tweaks and updates to world generation and ores
- Changes to the visuals of some ores and stone types
- Reordered Redstone Tab in Creative Inventory
World Generation
- Tweaked huge caves to be more rare and decreased the chance that caves are filled with water
- Changed ore generation to match the new world height and to add more strategy to mining
- Tweaked size and positioning of diorite, andesite & granite generation
- Exception: Diorite and Granite and Dirt no longer generate below y = 0
- Strongholds are now mostly encased in stone
- Mineshaft corridors are now supported by log pillars below or chains above when needed
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