Considering it's a game about having adventures and building, Minecraft sure is home to a lot of computers. Computers that calculate; computers with screens; computers that run programs; computers that play games. They’re computers in a world in a game in your computer!
That’s because Minecrafters discovered that redstone and some of its components, such as comparators, repeaters and redstone torches, act very much like the electronic components that you find squeezed down to a microscopic scale inside a chip.
But just because redstone behaves like this doesn’t mean that it was intended to build computers. When the first Minecraft computer was shown off, way back in September 2010, it knocked a lot of socks off, even Notch’s. That computer was made by theinternetftw and it performed maths and logic operations, but it wasn’t a computer that you’d easily recognise. It lacked its own memory and a screen and it didn’t play games. But it was extraordinary to behold.
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