We’ve announced the Better Together Update: our plan to unify versions of Minecraft for console, mobile and Windows 10. That means… CROSS PLAY! That’s right: ‘crafters on Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, iOS, Android and Windows 10 will all be able to play together. This has never really happened before in the history of gaming. Nifty, eh?
And not only can you play online together - anything you now buy on one of the devices above will be available for you to access when you log into another. That means: you can buy Minecraft Coins on iOS and spend them on your Nintendo Switch. Or snap up the Chinese Mythology Mash-Up pack on Xbox One, decide you hate your couch, and hop over to your Windows 10 PC to continue the fun.
Read more about it here, or listen to Jens and Saxs chat about what it means to your Minecraft, in the video above.
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