Today marks the launch of our third game drop: Bundles of Bravery! Featuring space-saving bundles and the hardest Survival mode out there (Hardcore mode!) this drop is all about embarking on a new adventure, collecting everything you can along the way, and definitely not dying. Given Hardcore mode brings hardcore stakes, we really can't recommend backing up your Hardcore worlds enough – especially if you'll be playing the new drop on low internet speeds (Read more about these bugs here!). If that wasn't enough stuff to stuff into a changelog, we've also fixed over 140 bugs, increased the spawn rate for bats above ground (because they're cute, and more players should see them) and made a heap of technical changes for creators. Goodness, that was a lot, wasn't it! Perhaps I should've stuffed it all into a bundle?
Features and Bug Fixes
Hardcore Mode
A new game mode for Bedrock Edition!
- You can't turn off Hardcore mode after creating this world
- The game is locked to the highest difficulty
- There are no second chances. If you die, it's game over!
- Upon death, you can only respawn as a spectator. You can still explore your world and watch others, but you'll no longer be able to interact or rebuild
Developer's Note: We're confident that Hardcore mode will run smoothly for most Bedrock players, but we're still working on quashing some smaller bugs. Two of these impact multiplayer gameplay – one related to low internet speeds, and another when replacing a Creative mode Realm with a Hardcore mode world. While we develop a fix for these final bugs, we recommend all players regularly back up their worlds and check below for more detailed information on factors that might trigger them.
A Bundle is an item that lets you stack different blocks or items together in the same inventory slot. Different items normally don't stack together, so you can end up wasting space by only having a few items in each slot. A Bundle lets you pack those items together so there is no wasted space.
- A Bundle is an item that can pack different items together into the same stack
- A Bundle only fits one stack (usually 64 items) but it can be a mixture of many different item types
- You can insert items into a Bundle directly in the inventory
- Bundles have a tooltip that shows the items inside
- If a Bundle has less than 12 item types inside, the tooltip will show all of them
- Otherwise, the tooltip will show the top three rows of items and the others will be hidden below
- You can select any of the visible items to pull out of the Bundle
- Use the scroll wheel on mouse, the right stick on a game controller, or tap on a touch device
- When selecting an item to remove, the Bundle icon shows that item poking out of the Bundle
- When holding a Bundle in hand, you can empty it onto the ground
- The Bundle is crafted with one String above one Leather
Developer's Note: The original prototype for Bundles was much more expensive to craft and used Rabbit Hide, which is only available in certain biomes, so the player had to explore to get their first Bundle. In this version we've made it cheaper and something that you can craft at home in almost any biome. We want it to be easy to get Bundles in a new world so you can use it in your early adventures.
Accessibility Features
Re-implemented the left handed mode on touch devices for accessing the inventory from the hotbar (MCPE-179608)
Added text-to-speech voiceover for items in Marketplace Pass Content tab and Realms Content tab
- Fixed double input when using analog triggers on certain gamepads (MCPE-175113)
Vines placed with commands are now visible (MCPE-131854)
"mushroom_stem" is now its own block and is no longer a variant of "red_mushroom_block" and "brown_mushroom_block"
"skull" has been split into 7 unique instances: "skeleton_skull", "wither_skeleton_skull", "zombie_head", "player_head", "creeper_head", "dragon_head", "piglin_head"
Mob Spawner step sounds and hit sounds now play at their intended volume
Trial Spawner hit sounds now play at their intended volume
Fixed an issue with shipwrecks only generating lower-slabs. (This fix will not alter already generated shipwrecks) (MCPE-186235)
Updated references to old block names in behavior pack wood recipe files
Updated references to old block names in remaining behavior pack recipe files
Fixed a bug where a block could be placed on a Vault block, causing weird block behaviors (MCPE-186627)
Updated references to old block names in remaining behavior pack files
Game rule ShowRecipeMessages is no longer considered a cheat (MCPE-177299)
Added the 'entity_offset' parameter to the camera command
Issue where some commands did not recognize certain block or item names has been fixed
Creative Inventory Changes
Developer's Note: Items and blocks in the creative inventory have been reorganized, with the goal of making overall sorting more intuitive.
- Trial Chamber items
- Trial Keys were moved to be next to Ominous Trial Keys, very ominous (MCPE-180280)
- Ominous Bottles were moved next to the existing Potions and were made into its own "Ominous Bottle" group (MCPE-180278)
- Stone group in the Nature tab
- Stone was moved into the Stone group, finally (MCPE-116364)
- Stone is now the front block of the Stone group
- Basalt and Smooth Basalt were moved into the Stone group
- Tuff and Polished Tuff were moved into the Stone group (MCPE-176383)
- Decorative Stone in the Construction tab
- Smooth Stone was moved into Decorative Stone
- Tuff Brick, Chiseled Tuff, and Chiseled Tuff Bricks were moved from the Nature Category to Decorative Stone in the Construction Category
- Prismarine Bricks were moved from the Decorative Stone group, now they are next to Prismarine and Dark Prismarine
- Copper family etc. (MCPE-176384)
- Reordered Raw Iron, Raw Copper, Raw Gold to Raw Copper, Raw Iron, Raw Gold
- The Copper, Iron, and Gold blocks were moved to match the Raw versions ordering
- The Copper Doors were moved to all the other Doors
- The Copper Trapdoors were moved to the group with all the other Trapdoors, this is not a trap
- Copper Blocks and Copper Grates are now sorted by Block type then by Oxidation level, instead of Oxidation level then Block type
- Tuff family
- Tuff Stairs, Tuff Slabs, Tuff Walls, and their polished versions were moved from the Nature tab to the Construction Tab into their respective groups
- Other blocks
- Bricks are now placed before the Slabs group
- This change only affects Bricks made from Clay and not all the brick blocks
- Chiseled Nether Bricks and Cracked Nether Bricks were moved next to the Nether Brick Block and Red Nether Brick
- Quartz Bricks placed next to the other Quartz blocks
- Rooted Dirt is now next to the other Dirt blocks
- Many Dirt blocks and Grass variants were shuffled around to match Java Edition
- Gravel is now ordered after the Stone group and is next to Sand and Red Sand
- Clay was moved from the Construction Category to the Nature Category, placed next to the Mud Block
- Bricks are now placed before the Slabs group
Wind Charges can't be hit and redirected shortly after throwing them
Interacting with a Bed now sets it as the respawn point regardless of nearby enemies (MCPE-152134)
Hardcore mode is now fully released. This mode locks player's game mode to Survival, locks difficulty to hard, and disables cheats. Players only have one life in Hardcore mode, if you die, you cannot respawn, only spectate
Players hitting the edge of the generated world will keep their velocity. Example: While flying with the Elytra, the player will stay floating instead of losing all speed instantly
Fixed a bug where Oozing, Weaving, and Wind Charged effects did not apply on player's death (MCPE-180640)
Mobs can now perform Mace Smash attacks
Players getting killed by the Mace's Smash Attack now get the correct death message (MCPE-185952)
Fixed an issue that could prevent the player from respawning correctly (MCPE-186324)
TNT explosions no longer reset momentum of other falling Primed TNTs. This should fix any issues that were occurring with TNT cannons (MCPE-181055)
- Removed some Keyboard key bindings from Settings that should only exist in Minecraft Education: Control Tips, Code Builder, and Immersive Reader
- Added Minecraft for PlayStation®5, an enhanced version of the game for PlayStation®5 users that better utilizes the hardware for smoother performance
Addressed an issue where the game would show pink on iOS when using Large Zoom (MCPE-174398) (MCPE-185373)
Data driven items are no longer misplaced in screenshots (MCPE-185132)
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