Celebrate With Us
Ten years of creating, exploring and surviving. Ten years of mobs, mods and magnificent creations. Ten years of being consistently amazed by what you’ve built with our game. Ten years of you digging straight down despite our warnings. Ten years of being endlessly excited to see what you come up with next.
Celebrate With Us
Ten years of creating, exploring and surviving. Ten years of mobs, mods and magnificent creations. Ten years of being consistently amazed by what you’ve built with our game. Ten years of you digging straight down despite our warnings. Ten years of being endlessly excited to see what you come up with next.
Minecraft is born! Game is somewhat popular, but probably just a passing fad. Doesn't even have a battle royale mode.

Minecraft introduces a crafting system. Wait, we didn't always have this? Was the game just called Mine in 2009 then?
Minecarts roll into the game, along with dungeons, bricks, slimes, compasses, chickens and music discs.

Together at last!
Minecrafticon in Bellevue, WA, is the first ever MINECON! Snappier title for event comes next year.
First iOS release! Millions of crucial bus stops missed as commuters too busy mining dirt blocks. Sorry about that.
Second MINECON happens in Las Vegas! Developers thankfully resist temptation to bet all of the game's earnings on red.

Final design of first LEGO set. Our brilliant blocks get transformed into beautiful bricks!
Minecraft comes to Xbox 360! Trials Evolution also comes to Xbox 360! What does that have to do with us? Nothing, but it's a very good game. Try it!
Pretty Scary update bring witches, bats, zombie villagers and wither skeletons to Minecraft. Brave players continue mining regardless.

Horses gallop into Minecraft which is great neighs. We mean, great news.
Minecraft comes to PlayStation 3. Rayman Legends also comes to PlayStation 3. Also nothing to do with Minecraft. Also absolutely brilliant.

Java gets tons of new biomes and features in humbly named The Update That Changed the World!
Little-known tech start-up 'Microsoft' acquires us. We launch on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One!
Minecraft launches on PS Vita. Play Gravity Rush right now. That's an order.

The Bountiful Update brings new survival features and blocks, including coarse dirt. Is coarse dirt your favourite Minecraft block? Wow, ours too!
Minecraft launches on Wii U. We're flattered that you're reading this list when you could be playing Super Mario Maker.
Minecraft: Story Mode launches! Sorry about Reuben :(

Minecraft: Education Edition released! Our minds are forever expanded.
Polar Bears come to Minecraft. Awww! Strays and Husks also join Minecraft. Arggh!

Minecraft launches on Nintendo Switch. The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild also launches on Switch and its developers cite Minecraft as an influence. Mojang developers so flattered that they're still blushing two years later.

Minecraft: The Island, our first Minecraft novel, hits bookshelves! It's exactly like Minecraft, except made out of paper. Er, sort of.
The Better Together Update brings cross-platform play to Xbox One, PC, iOS and Android!
Better Together comes to Nintendo Switch!

It's a dual-screened delight. It's a dual-screened delight.

Update Aquatic brings cute new mobs to Minecraft, like turtles and dolphins! Also brings the Phantom, a horrifying sky monster that you voted to be added to the game. Yeah, thanks for that.
Village Pillage Update brings tons of new blocks, new enemies and new friends to Minecraft! New Wandering Trader villager inspires an entire generation to become travelling salespeople. Probably.
Minecraft turns ten!

Minecraft released on Mars. Creepers somehow escape game and enter reality. Existence of top secret time travel technology that Mojang uses to write about future updates accidentally leaked on this timeline. Oops.

Minecraft Classic
Play the original and wonder how it ever got so popular. Creative mode only, no enemies or mobs, all of the original beloved bugs and just 32 blocks to work with (and the majority of them are dyed wool). What incredible creations will you craft?
The folks who work on Minecraft every day are sharing their favourite #MinecraftMemories. Feel free to join in and tweet your own stories about what Minecraft and the Minecraft community have meant to you over the past decade using the hashtag #MinecraftMemories. Check out these #MinecraftMemories for inspiration.